
We want you to be successful at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 and have the best education experience possible. In order to assist you in maintaining successful academic performance, we think it's important to provide you with information about 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's standards of academic progress 和性能. We do our best to check in with you and monitor your academic performance so 那 we can intervene when expectations are not being met.

We never want to discourage or penalize you, but there may be situations when 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 may determine 那 you are not benefitting from your time at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台. 在这些情况下 加拿大广播公司可以决定:

  • 限制或拒绝将来在网赌正规真人实体在线平台入学
  • Allow continued enrollment but limit state funding support


网赌正规真人实体在线平台's 学习成绩政策 includes both grade performance and credit completion 组件. If you are in a degree or certificate program, you must maintain a minimum 累积平均绩点(GPA) 2.以避免被留校察看.


累积平均分低于2分的学生.我将被留校察看 那 could progress to academic dismissal if subsequent academic performance does 不能提高. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 may block students’ ability to register for future classes until 他们满足了具体的干预要求. 当学生提高他们的累积 平均绩点达到2.0 或更高版本, they will be removed from unsatisfactory performance status. However, the College reserves the right to continue to monitor student progress and 在其认为适当的情况下执行.

This sanction applies to the first quarter a student receives a cumulative GPA below 2.0. A block will be placed on the student’s ability to register until the student has successfully completed the online 从痛苦走向成功 workshop. 如需进一步资料,请 联系咨询/咨询中心.

This sanction applies to the second consecutive quarter a student receives a cumulative GPA低于2.0. 的 student will receive a notification 那 the next academic sanction 是休学. 的 student may be required to meet with a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Counselor or Completion Coach so 那 they can begin to address whatever issues or barriers may 阻碍了他们的学业成功. 的 student will remain subject to dismissal status 只要他们的季度平均绩点达到2分.0或更高,直到累积绩点 达到2.0.

网赌正规真人实体在线平台 will suspend a student who is in subject to suspension status after a third consecutive 季度平均绩点低于2.0,累积绩点保持在2以下.0. 在暂停期间, students may not register for any classes and may not participate in any events or 为学生预留的活动.

暂停 students may re-enroll in one of two ways:

  1. Appeal the academic suspension (see Appeal of Academic Suspension section)
  2. 完成一门学术心肺复苏 (HDEV 110)课程

Students who successfully complete one of the above options will be reinstated under 有条件注册(见下文).

Students who return on 有条件的入学 must maintain a quarterly GPA of 2.0 或更高版本. Students who fail to maintain a quarterly GPA of 2.打开时为0或更高 有条件的入学 will be Academically Dismissed and will be prohibited from taking classes at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 or participating in college activities for at least two quarters.  

复职申请书: Students will be required to submit a petition for reinstatement form for review before 重新加入网赌正规真人实体在线平台. 的 petition for reinstatement must include documentation of any extenuating circumstances supporting the appeal.  

Students who have been previously dismissed will not be allowed to repeat Academic 心肺复苏. Students have the option to appeal the dismissal or submit a petition for reinstatement.


Students reinstated after completing the Academic 心肺复苏 workshop or through the Petition for Reinstatement form review process will be placed on conditional enrollment status 并且必须保持最小值2.季度平均绩点0. 那些不履行职责的人 standards via Academic 心肺复苏 or while on conditional enrollment status may be Academically Dismissed and required to sit out for a least two quarters.

Students on conditional enrollment are encouraged to meet with a counselor to register 或者调整他们的日程安排.  网赌正规真人实体在线平台 reserves the right to limit the number of credits taken 学生有条件入学.  


Students may appeal the academic dismissal based on extraordinary or extenuating circumstances 那 affected their performance during the quarter leading to the academic dismissal. Students must submit an 学术开除上诉 form to the Dean for Student 保留 & Completion no later than 10 calendar days from the date of the dismissal. Documentation to support a statement of extenuating circumstances is required. 的 Dean may request a meeting with the student prior to making a decision.

If the academic dismissal is reversed, the student will be allowed to register at 下个季度的开始. Students who fail to maintain the academic standards for conditional enrollment (above) will be academically dismissed for a period of 一年无第二次上诉权利.

If the academic dismissal is affirmed, the student will not be allowed to re-enroll at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 until either completing an Academic 心肺复苏 workshop (if not previously attempted) or sitting out for two consecutive quarters and petitioning for reinstatement (see (以上).


Did you receive a letter instructing you to complete 从痛苦走向成功 (DTS)? DTS is an online presentation full of tips and resources to help you improve your GPA! We want to help you find success at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 and this presentation is designed to do just 那. Your registration block will be removed two to three business days after completing DTS演示.






  • 电子邮件:counseling@bjqzgy.com

  • 电话:509-547-0511

  • 地址:2600 N. 20日大街.华盛顿州帕斯科99301H建筑

  • 办公时间:任命:星期一及三:上午七时至下午三时四十五分星期五:上午7时至中午大房间:星期二:上午7时至下午3时45分星期四:上午9时至下午3时45分
